I’ve wondered the same thing. It’s not like living has gotten cheaper. In fact it’s the opposite, so people must be working. I fully agree that people got sick of working shitty jobs for insufficient pay, so I understand leaving those jobs. But I guess I find it hard to believe that enough new, not shitty jobs opened up for all these current jobs to be vacant.
i think in some places, people actually make more "money" living off of welfare than they do working jobs in the area.
I know that's the standard story, and certainly a comforting one. But I don't believe it, certainly not in the current economy.
More plausible is that in some cases welfare, even though it sucks, sucks less, on net, than the lives they'd be able to live working full-time at Chipotle or whatever.
Very unlikely. Also, you can only take from that system a fraction of what you can prove you put into it. So if you worked for 10 years making ten dollars an hour, you can collect for ten years, but an amount akin to 5 dollars an hour. Unless you were self employed, in which case the government gives you nothing at all because they hate you.