It's gross. I get it business is business... But let's take dalvin cook as an example. 4 straight probowls. 4 straight 1000yrd season. 27 (I think maybe 28) And he can't get a contract because no one wants to pay 10mil.
But from a business point of view, why pay 10mil for one assets worth of A/A+ production when you only need B+ production which you can get from a guy you paid like 4mil and some guys on a rookie deal at what? 100k? Business no brainer... Our entire RB room currently costs maybe 6 mil? (Guessing on numbers) why pay 1 guy 10?
But! These are real people with real familys and real lives. Not just some asset or resource to be bled dry. I hope RBs get valued as people someday.
Yeah they need some sort of way to get a new contract for these guys before they get worn down. I can't imagine the wear these guys have to deal with when they're 40+. Imagine not being able to hike or exercise because of the arthritis from your teens and 20s... I've read some active NFL player knee xrays at work and they weren't pretty.
If a player is considered a vet on their 2nd season perhaps rookie contracts should only be fore rookies? New contract for players no longer considered rookie's. It would stop teams seeing that they could get a younger player on a cheap deal for 4-5 years depending on 5th year option and have to pay people what they're worth early. With less cheap deals it does however mean that teams will have to stop paying giant money to some players to be able to afford to field a team. Because currently contracts are getting out of control. The next paid just resets the market regardless of if they're better than the other guy or not. So I kinda feel that rookie deals should be limited to rookie seasons. After that the players considered a veteran and you pay them like one I guess.