I fail to see where the secret (key) is. Is it your Iris? That is something you can copy and is not protected I am sure. Any good camera can scan your iris. Iris is just a fingerprint, just like the one on your thumb, and that is the actual "Fingerprint" in cryptography. That is not enough to sign transactions. You need the secret key somewhere, but I see none. Maybe the Worldcoin company is actually holding your secret on your behalf, which would mean this is a custodial coin and service, a CBDC basically, a centralized database.
Not to mention that the iris (or rather the features extracted from it) probably does not possess sufficient entropy to avoid brute force attacks.
Even worse, your iris is not static. Disease can change the color/texture of your iris. Imagine putting your life savings into something, and then a disease locks you out of it forever.
All this to say: Ignore the noise, and focus on Bitcoin.
Cash and/or privacy coins as well if you wish, but that's just my opinion lol.