Here are the key points from the video:
  1. Introduction to NDK: The Nostr Development Kit (NDK) is a tool built by Pablo F7Z. It is designed to help developers build apps quickly and easily while maintaining decentralization. It is still in the early stages of development.
  2. Setting up NDK: The video demonstrates how to set up NDK in a web development environment. It involves importing the NDK package, creating an NDK instance, and connecting to relays.
  3. Fetching User Data: Jeff shows how to fetch user data using NDK. He demonstrates how to instantiate a user with NDK and fetch profile data from relays. The fetched data is then applied to the user object.
  4. Fetching Events: The video also covers how to fetch events using NDK. It involves creating a filter to fetch specific types of events from specific authors. The fetched events are then displayed on the web page.
  5. NIP07 Sign In: The tutorial also covers how to implement a sign-in function using NIP07. It involves creating an instance of the NIP07 signer and asking it to sign something. The signer then calls to the browser extension and waits for the user's permission.
  6. Conclusion: The video concludes by emphasizing the ease of building apps using NDK. It highlights the plug-and-play nature of NDK, which allows developers to swap in and out different signers and caching layers depending on their use case.