This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I'm planning to go on a ketogenic diet. I've been thinking about it for years, but I've decided to go for it. I've been doing in-depth research over the last week (the guides on /r/keto have been very helpful). Once I get all my ducks in a row (i.e. a meal plan), I'll take a four day weekend to start the transition.
Read yesterday about the retreat of insurers from riskier properties. Another reason to stack instead.
Bread and butter is really good, probably the best bang for your buck.
Often my favorite things at a buffet or nice restaurant.
I'm going to give water to the plants in our garden just a minutes later. Peppers, cucumbers and eggplants are needed regular watering on hot wheathers.
More bitcoin podcasts on Fountain while doing yard work
Learned how to make paper yesterday - It can be either made from recycled paper or trees.
It is amazing how you can play around making different sizes and thicknesses, coloring with herbs, decorating with flowers, or even experimenting the smell with essential oils. It is so much fun!
Up and ready for another Bitcoin Brunch!
A reminder that companies come and go.
Don't rely on a specific service, as it can get killed at any time.
Here are the services killed by google
I didn't know they killed Google Duplex on the web last year 😔. I have no idea which android devices support Duplex functionality so I guess I'll never be able to use it. Google really did drop the ball by not making it into a widely accessible product. I hate making reservations over the phone.
It set back this parody of Duplex breaking up with someone's partner from becoming reality by another 5 years probably lol:
Day 99 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
This comment was featured on This Day in Stacker News.
I know awhile ago a bunch of us made predictions as to what day the snail goes away but why don't we do something more formal. A futures bet. Take a week to cultivate participants who want to put 1k sats into the prize pool and closest without going over wins the sats.
Yes, I thought about setting this up in a more formal way but didn't do anything about it yet.
I was thinking about a simple website which acts as an escrow for the funds.
It could work like this:
  1. Login via lightning or nostr
  2. Stake any amount of sats at any day
  3. The whole pool gets splits among the ones who picked the correct day according to their stake.
This means you can pick multiple days. The amount you bet just determines how much of the pool you get if you win.
Now that I think more about it... this doesn't sound too hard to code up, lol
Hopefully, I will start coding when I got home in a few hours lol
I like it.
You can track progress at :)
Snail in the house?
Yo yo yo. I was getting worried the price might have gone to 100k. Hope you have a good day regardless!
You too man.
Day 100 seems like it'll coincide with block 800,000.