We tried football with our daughter, she was the only girl in the whole league. Also, she's only 3 and really wasn't ready for organized team activities. She'd do ok for the warm up activity and playing catch before practice, but then my wife just had to chase her all over the sports complex for the rest of practice. I had stupidly volunteered to coach, so I couldn't really do much to help.
I can't imagine what 3 year olds playing football looks like. That must be chaos. Haha.
It was a 3 - 5 league and more of the kids were on the older side. The 5 year olds were pretty enthusiastic during the drills and they more or less understood what was going on. The younger kids were a mix of wandering off, like my daughter, or clinging to their parents and crying, or just being really confused about what was happening on the field.