What advantages are there for Torq users over other node management software like Lightning Terminal, Thunderhub, RTL, or LNBits?
Our focus is not management of small nodes, we’re trying to help companies operate at scale.
Other tools like Thunderhub can’t handle the amount of channels & the associated data that becomes very heavy with industrial nodes.
We also have the most advanced automation system in the world, LSP spec support (you can become your own LSP with Torq), true multi-node support, and cross implementation support. Run CLN or LND (LDK coming soon).
I see. It sounds like your target customer will probably be running Torq in the cloud then... Have you considered offering it as a hosted service?
I.e. customers pay $x/mo to run a Torq instance on your hardware, and I can point it to my lnd instance somewhere else?
Or, at least provide guidance in the GitHub docs about the hardware provisioning requirements for Torq to perform adequately for a large scale node?
Installing Torq is as simple as pulling a docker image and connecting it to a postgres (TimescaleDB) database. Many are using Kubernetes and have this deployed alongside the rest of their services.