Hi, my mother and some relatives are despite being still in maximum fiat mindset but are kind of interested in the ideas of bitcoin. Sadly, they often dispute the possibility of BTC having a place as a currency due to the technical complicalities and also because they "read" it is slow in transactions.
I think it would be a great idea to install a lightning wallet for them and just show them how fast bitcoin can be (also donating them some sats to feed there interest).
Now my question: would it be possible to give them like a "sub" account on my node? Ofc I could just recommed them some full custodial service like WoS but I would really like it (for the beginning) to have the custody over the wallets (also as a sideeffect :P then my node would maybe finally route something).
I do not want them to have full access via Zeus on all my channels. Is it somehow technically possible?
"You not read my guide?"
@DarthCoin has many guides including at least one that can help you. Check his profile page. Here is a link to his guides: https://darthcoin.substack.com/