It's interesting how us desktop users are a fringe group in the nostr/LN community. I mean look at both types of apps, and you won't be able to miss the fact that in both there is a severe paucity both in number and quantity other than Android/IOS.
You migth think we are all old timers but old timers also have experience and I can tell you that I can do 10x as much work without a touchscreen anywhere near me, and they are far more energy intensive to operate than mouse and keyboard, which have stuck 40 years precisely because they are pretty much optimal.
Just ask a teacher about working on whiteboards all day long in classes. Reaching your hand forward and holding 200g constantly in your hand is almost the same exercise as shooting a small calibre target pistol.
Oh yes!
The lack of good desktop client is what prevents me from spending more time in Nostr. It's not that the web clients would be unusable but they are uncomfortable. And Electron is not a good enough solution, it still cannot give a normal GUI experience.
But on the other hand, I also understand why the explosion of web clients. It's fast to prototype and easy to add new features. Without them, Nostr might have not reached so many users in such a short time. The clients may not be optimal in terms of using resources and comfort but they are brilliant in exploring the space and its opportunities. And that may matter more for Nostr at this stage.
Yeah. Well, today I decided that I'm pushing Telegram to the side, it's still on my my main phone but that thing sits 10 metres away from me bridging via ethernet for my pc, with DND enabled.
So I think I will just use one of the PWAs, since anyway that's what I use here.
If it were possible to turn a PWA into a binary, I mean a real binary, like walking the entire codebase and caching all of the blobs of binary code that execute from it, running the conversions from the text formatted CSS/HTML into the compact binary representation, there would be no problem.
I might even learn javascript if someone does this, because for me, GUI dev is one of those things that I wish I could master but the frameworks are all so opaque and retarded that I just stick to back end and Go.