My story was more gradual and not very interesting, but I was completely unaware of the hackgate scandal. Thanks for posting the links.
The hackgate shit has been shadowed a hell of a lot after it came out, but I think it should be paid attention. Even the Wikipedia articles are not touched, they are still laid out very differently compared to recent articles. Wikipedia had different guidance to laying out articles in the early 2010s.
This part of a page is a list of several other pages on the same topic alone, pages so big they had to be split apart. I've only ever seen this happen with something like 9/11 or a conflict:
Government public inquiry also made a 2000-page public report, HTML version is available to read here: - some parts are tricky to understand without knowledge of national affairs.
All the witness statements referenced archived here:
Eventually I'll figure out a way to timeline this. This incident pretty much told me that being famous is the worst fate you can have, and taught me to be sceptic of a lot of the British press. Never used a phone the same way since.