Here's one for you.
When the fed first started raising rates I was expecting it to be short lived because prolonged elevated rates would destroy the economy, crush the consumer, freeze up cap ex for years, decimate the bond market and skyrocket interest on government debt, not to mention crush emerging markets. Every time the fed raises or maintains elevated rates, I am left thinking what the hell are they doing, we won't see the effects of this for 6-18 months, they can't possibly know what future consequences previous hikes will have and they are just stacking them on top of each other before assessing the impacts. Seems insane.
Unless it is intentional to create absolute destruction. An economic pandemic, viral contagion spread across the globe, a covid style power grab and ushering in of a CBDC vaccine that you will be forced to take to save lives.
I think this one is as straightforward as them being terrified of persistently high inflation, because that usually comes with civil unrest and America is already a powder keg. They're just trying to keep a lid on it, until they've finished looting the coffers.
checks out.