Calling all stackers!
Leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on this week. It doesn't matter how big or small your project is, or how much progress you've made.
Just share what you're up to, and let the community know if you want any feedback or help.
If you missed last week's thread, here are the updates stackers shared from all their latest work projects.
Been very busy recently replicating the Indranet architecture to the guy who's been paying me to design and build it. It's been great for me in terms of helping delineate the core principles of the design and to spot some possible design flaws, as well.
The gossip system is very close to finished and the client tunnel plus the testnet mock of the LN infrastructure that the peer controls for receiving and making payments for relay service are the only main larger tasks between here and the first multi-machine testnet, most likely at first only on LAN but the libp2p library makes it easy to put it on the internet, and sort out most of the port opening stuff for NATed nodes.
This comment was featured on This Day in Stacker News.
As always, I'm working as a journalist for BeINCrypto Español & as a Social Media Manager for Mi Primer Bitcoin (well known Bitcoin Education NGO)
I just released a Geyser.Fund campaign to visit Spain and do some coverage & reporting on WoBitcoin Conference, which is becoming one of the most important in this country.
Just for you to know a little bit more about me, I'm a Bitcoin only journalist from Venezuela, working on this niche since 2016.
I currently live in El Salvador, which has opened its doors to bitcoiners like me. Here I feel useful & helpful. I'm not going around trying to push Bitcoin onto people, but they're very kind & open to our ideas. In a short period of time we've demonstrated we're here for good & I'm happy to be here and call this place my new home.
Anyway, visit my Geyser.Fund if you wanna see some coverage for this conference in particular.
Thanks for your support!
I'm trying to get more spanish speakers to use our language to create content for SN.
I've seen many names around here that looks spanish, but no many content in Español...So, I'll be writing in Spanish for 21 days. Today, will be day 4.
Maybe getting a new job. I gave it a good try, but I can't handle the kind of jobs my current employer sends me on. I've been motion sick for the last week. I don't want to work on small boats, and certainly not in places where they experience direct channel currents. I enjoy my coworkers and the industry rather generally, but not my current circumstances.
I used to get that real bad as a child. I think it was part of my glue protein intolerance, my diet was primarily wheat, brown rice and soy/chickpea, and of course eggs and milk.
Right now if I ate that I'd be useless for almost 24 hours, between 30min and 8 hours later, bronchoconstriction that feels what it must be like to have emphysema.
But spending so many hours on boats is not something that you just get used to overnight, many people never adapt and end up head over the side sooner or later, every time.
I've heard of people getting accustomed to it eventually. I heard one number at 90 days, which made me think it has to do with the cells in the body adapting. i don't usually have to deal with this, though, luckily. superyachts don't case me this problem.
Well, I'm not gonna ask about the super yachts :D
looks like I got the job. Final interview went well and they said I should get the paperwork in the next day or so.
Pondering if I should apply for a contract job. Job doesn't pay much but I like it, it will be working with small business owners helping grow, manage, market their business. It's right up my alley but I really don't want to work full time and I didn't want to work this summer. The weather is too nice and my kids are having so much fun.
It's a tough call because I don't often find jobs I like so I rarely apply for jobs. I don't necessarily need the money so I can be discerning but I did want to work and earn some more money this fall since inflation has increased the monthly budget by about 15% and I have been stacking a ton of sats in the bear.
So I am pondering if I should bite the bullet and try to get the job that I like now or enjoy the summer and be less discerning in the fall. Tough one.
I'm continuing my learning journey towards the goal of becoming a bitcoin developer. I'm still investigating all the enconding rules that permit to convert whatever Bitcoin tx from the JSON format into the corresponding byte message broadcasted into the Bitcoin network. In the course of this learning experience, I had some fun in developing a simple python app which takes as input a tx hash and returns the byte message in hexdump format (the same format used to represent the Genesis block)
The app is pretty useless, however I'm fascinated by the aesthetic of that output. It's nice representation of a Bitcoin tx in machine-language.
Let me know if someone can be interested in using it. I can create easily a public REST API...
What started out as me improving SN's rendering performance, has led to refactoring a significant portion of the codebase.
106 files changed, 941 insertions(+), 2213 deletions(-)
I'm almost happy with it. I had been putting off the refactor and I think it was wearing on me.
I have been going through a bunch of old media files, deleting what I don't think I will ever need ever again and then working on turning my best and favorite photos into a photo book.
It feels good to get rid of the mental clutter/noise. It's probably good for clearing up my hard drive too.
A service to read from Nostr and generate RSS feeds so I can continue reading everything in 1 app! It’s generating per-person feeds pretty well, but without any event formatting yet.
I am now planning to finish repainting our sleeping room, which I started week ago, evetually I can also do the kitchen and the living room. It takes me longer time to do it because of time constraints, I work in the weekdays and have not much time to finish it in the evening. Hopefully by weekend the apartment will be repainted. Figers crossed.