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This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Love this space and how it keeps pushing me to be a more productive and better me appreciate all yall
Today I am looking for a web browser that is integrated with Artificial Intelligence🤖
Trying to be the best version of myself in a Bitcoin world
Does any SN reader have tips for quality sleep? I'm having problems with insomnia and don't want to resort to medication
Reading a good book (but not too good) does it for me.
A handful of easy things:
  • Alcohol, even a little, even a few hours before bed, really throws off sleep cycles. I've seen this in my own data, and it's ... striking.
  • Regular sleep schedules are a big deal for a lot of people.
  • Getting some sun exposure during the day has a pretty big effect.
  • Caffeine sticks around for around twelve hours -- more if you go nuts. Plan accordingly.
  • Eat dinner early, if you eat dinner and you can.
Good luck! Sleep challenges suck ass.
Yes work your ass off physically throughout the day and you will be exhausted at night. This is the only tactic that has ever worked for me and trained me to go to sleep easily. Even though I don't work anymore (I am still physically active though) I rarely have problems sleeping. Usually if I do it's because I fall asleep watching tv and wake up a couple hours later wide awake and it takes a couple hours to get back to sleep.
If you haven't started sleeping after about 15 minuets in bed, get up and go do something boring until you get sleepy and try again.
Don't do any other activities in bed, other than sleeping, and one other thing ;)
Use the light and dark, basically go to sleep when it's dark and wake up when it's light.
Create a routine and stick to it, set a waking time and do it every day, Monday to Sunday. You will go to bed at different times, but wake up at the same time. That way your body will make you sleepy when it's actually time to go.
Don't drink caffeinated drinks later than say 3pm
deleted by author
Hey gang, it's hump day today, the weekend is almost here, usually Wednesdays I do some pondering on how my week has been, if it has been productive or perhaps I feel it has been a difficult one, see if my approach has been the optimal one, if I feel it hasn't then I change the course of action or reaction, for me it works like a charm, I recommend you do the same if you feel like you're not moving forward, see if a different approach works or check if acting differently makes things move forward. Always forward, remember that you are awesome and you matter a lot!!! Be well and stay frosty my friend!!
Stay frosty Andy.
You too my friend, I apologize for the late reply, it was a busy busy day, just got home and checking messages, I hope your day was amazing and tomorrow will be better!!! Be well!!
204 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 19 Jul 2023
Started to write my first blog post on https://ekzyis.com after I updated the design and layout of my website yesterday :)
I continue suffering from stomach cramps and occasional head pain as a result of motion and heat sickness. I don't know what this spells in regards to my expected film shoot saturday. other than my physical malady I am of good spirits.
Feel better. Stay hydrated. I am sure you will bounce back soon.
Day 95 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
No snail… check price
You must have got in on the first millisecond.
I got lucky…