First off, I agree. Second, I believe this is an example of "find bright spots" as per the book "Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard"
It also reminds me of Bitcoin Beach's "Hope House". The children picked up Bitcoin very well and taught the adults. I was looking into charities similar to El Zonte's Hope House to try to copy their homework, but now I can see that a simple family friendly Bitcoin meetup can accomplish the same goal.
This is the path I can see for moving forward. As I wrote before in Bitcoin Adoption into the Future - Build it Right and Grow from There I anticipate the older people to be laggards who learn from the younger people who pick up new technology very easily and without much trouble.
So I believe we've found a key piece of the path forward here. Lets spend our time scaling success rather than trying to solve problems. Its a lot easier to do, and a lot of very smart people are already working on solving those problems in ways you'd likely never think of anyway.
She did a beautiful job describing the meetup. Meetup organizers rarely get to hear a different perspective. If you’re literarily inclined (good with words 🤷‍♂️), share a description of your experience with your meetup organizer.