I've tried getting into local BTC meetups but a lot of the ones in my country are a bit far, also quite young so I'm not a type for going into bars. The events I had been to were still a hell of a lot of fun, I encourage people to visit them.
Some other places to meetup other than BTC meetups I've tried are:
  • Amateur radio societies, I plan to do my exams at one, met a few and became a member in one. I think bitcoiners should get into radio if they haven't already.
  • DEF CON subgroups in the local area for infosec and privacy talk.
  • Hackerspaces, has technology discussions, some provide member services like 3D printing etc.
  • Conventions of any kind. Sometimes I've walked into policing or defence expos for laughs. I never mention involvement or interests, I just like the thrill of being around places I don't think I should be.
@TheOrangeMart - online meetup steez
created by @tip_nz and @jamesviggy 🔥