EVM is trash. Solidity is a security nightmare
Solidity is not the only EVM language. And there are Solidity contracts that have never been hacked, so it's clearly possible to write secure contracts in Solidity. There are also already examples of Solidity contracts and others for EVM being formally verified, which can provide stronger assurances around the security of smart contracts. See e.g. https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/smart-contracts/formal-verification/
Nobody wants EVM sidechain
Clearly disproven by Rootstock, which has ~3400 BTC, thousands of MAU, and tens of millions of dollars in stablecoins and other assets being used there. Also, EVM is the most widely adopted VM on all blockchains, with dozens of different blockchains using the EVM. Predicting that this demand/adoption would not carry over into drivechains if BIP300+301 were activated is.. well.. not the conclusion I would draw from the available data. Clearly the EVM has a significant userbase of developers and end users, massive network effects are tooling, documentation, etc. The logical conclusion is that at least some of that will spill over into bitcoin (and as I pointed out, it's already happening with Rootstock).