Have you tried adding your invite link on https://lightningnetworkstores.com/faucet
Sponsor the faucet and you can send users to your link
This is awesome. I just shared it on our site and will share on Twitter as well.
will do didnt know this existed.
just threw it up there. thanks for the info
my thing disappeared, i thought it would be up for at least a week, isnt what that slider was?
@thebtcmanual whenever you get a chance, maybe you could help break down that site for me. im a little confused now.
Your offer will remain up either till the amount of sats are drained or until someone outbids you for the top 5 spot, if that persons offer expires you will move back into the top 5. If you click the donate button, you'll see righ at the bottom, how much you need to donate (amount of total sats/days you want it up) to remain in the top 5
I think yours was set for 1.85 sats per day, while the lowest for top 5 is 2.72 sats per day.
I've used it several times and I rather shorten the period so I remain in the top 3 for less sats