You should be blasting a stacker news invite that is preloaded with sats to help people get started here. We as power users assume everyone is running an ln node. I've noticed a decent amount of bitcoiners are still weary of LN. 10 invites of 100 sats. 1000 sats to help spread the word of the beastly site. If you need sats for the invite let me know I got 20k ready to help facilitate this.
K00b anyone to track how many people have come and signed up through an invite link. I know I can track how many signed up with my invite link, but are you keeping a running total at all
Yes, just ran the numbers ... 155 of our users have joined via invite faucet.
That is awesome! What a great marketing strategy!
Was a feature recommended by @abetusk and @gmd. Really helps with users who maybe don't have bitcoin, or even bitcoin on lightning yet.
It makes for a great introduction to lightning, with a real-world use case
Have you tried adding your invite link on
Sponsor the faucet and you can send users to your link
This is awesome. I just shared it on our site and will share on Twitter as well.
will do didnt know this existed.
just threw it up there. thanks for the info
my thing disappeared, i thought it would be up for at least a week, isnt what that slider was?
@thebtcmanual whenever you get a chance, maybe you could help break down that site for me. im a little confused now.
Your offer will remain up either till the amount of sats are drained or until someone outbids you for the top 5 spot, if that persons offer expires you will move back into the top 5. If you click the donate button, you'll see righ at the bottom, how much you need to donate (amount of total sats/days you want it up) to remain in the top 5
I think yours was set for 1.85 sats per day, while the lowest for top 5 is 2.72 sats per day.
I've used it several times and I rather shorten the period so I remain in the top 3 for less sats
Great idea! Just tipped you 1000 sats to pay it forward.
If you put up an invite on this site
ill tip ya up to 2k sats, comment on this and ill send the sats over to you. if we do 2k each i can do 10 or we can do 1k each and do 20. whichever you choose is fine. post the link, ill verify by username when i click the link and shoot the sats you tied up in your invite link to you.
or anywhere for that matter blast it to your twitter, mastodon,
I recommend being somewhat careful with these. Send them mostly to people you trust somewhat - dm your followers with the links with only 1 use.
I’ve had someone drain mine in the past with a bunch of throwaway emails when I posted it on twitter.
good point k00b.
Great idea! just tipped you 1000 sats to pay it forward.
you can do it yourself. just create an invite link and put it on the socials. let me know if you wanna do it yourself ill send the sats back
I feel stupid for asking but where do you create the invite link?
On the site I only see Donate or Create a Discussion?
nvm, i just realized you meant create the Invite Link from within SN then post to it to socials.
if you do post a link, tell me how many sats you dedicated to that link
so i can reimburse.
I wonder if we could pre-load an invite with a couple hundred of our sats when they create an account following our link.
this is exactly how it works