It’s not the lack of an algorithm. It’s just early. Keypair based identities are incomprehensible to 95% of the population and 80% probably don’t even know what censorship resistant means.
It’s easy to forget that Dorsey singlehandedly made nostr relevant 8 months ago (and it would lose significant relevance if he were to leave). All the bitcoin influencoors/companies pretending they were bullish on nostr before Jack arrived are grifting (this behavior killed a few of my personal Bitcoin heroes cause I watched it in real time).
The lack of an algorithm suggests a lack of maturity and makes nostr less usable generally, but it isn’t what’s keeping influencers away. It’s just not worth migrating their audiences yet.
When you don’t have an algorithm, the people who post the most get the most views. Influencers post a lot and would easily benefit from that on nostr.
I agree with the grifting we see