This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Fasting today, I haven't done in a few weeks and I want to get the boost that I usually experience from it the next day
I just remembered I got 4 hours of sleep and shouldn't trust my thoughts. It's kind of sad because I really thought I was on one.
You die first by not sleeping compared to not eating.
Get your rest man
I've just discovered the react profiler lol and we are doing some really small yet easily avoidable things that make the site a lot slower than it can be.
@k00b can you add views count on posts ?
We don’t record view counts. Our public analytics in the footer can give you view counts
Bitcoin Brunch #112 today at 10am in Miami. I've also read 73 essays at these brunches, approaching my goal of 100, at which point I will try to publish them for public consumption.
I also recently got interviewed by a local crypto podcast, which I'll likely turn into a post. I had the pleasant opportunity to spread around some orange pills
Can I just say how much I like SN? Even if I didn't care at all about btc, the design choices here are so nice, the features really give you the tools to grow a community and to have real discussions about things. This is the closest thing I've ever found to a place I'd like to "settle" in this space.
My hot take after a week or so of being an active user is that the SN software is going to become notable outside the btc/nostr communities. At the very least, others are going to rip off the features and design principles.
Even if I didn't care at all about btc
Hypothetically 😉 what would bring a person that didn't care about bitcoin here?
looking at the subs, tech and jobs mostly
Ok my new mission is to find someone who doesn't care about bitcoin and recruit them to join SN.
To be clear, my point was that the affordances of the site, and the dynamics that fall out from them, have nothing to do w/ btc-as-discussion-topic, although they are enabled by btc/lightning. The site as it currently exists probably doesn't work for a person who doesn't care about btc at all.
However, given things that btc touches (basically everything) it's not hard to imagine making a place where you can talk about some of those other topics too, similar to how now you can talk about nostr -- big macro things loose in the world. You can hardly talk about this on the wider internet bc the business models almost never work -- monetizing outrage via advertising, etc. SN doesn't have that business model, although I guess the current one could fall into a similar sinkhole as a failure mode: rich assholes could pay directly to signal-boost rich-asshole-friendly topics. But that would be a level of directness from specific and identifiable nyms that would still be an improvement over the existing state of affairs, imo.
Honestly, the very tiny friction in having to connect btc rails to participate is probably enough to eliminate 90% of bad actors. The remaining ten percent can only ever be dealt with by actual community forces -- if most of the people don't like others being aggressive jerks, then aggressive jerks will tend to not take root; if the reverse is true, they will. That's not a technical problem, but I think SN is building the tool set to addresses it as well as it technically can be.
Agreed. The interface is very clean. Slight concern some discussions become lost under the weight of posts.
And lazy reposting from other sites without an attempt by the posters to add opinion or value is annoying.
I also think links-only is annoying as a general construct, but have made my peace with it as probably a "revealed preference" thing -- some people just don't have anything much to say, and if you tried to force them to say something, it would be garbage. This way at least you don't incentivize garbage. They could still surface things I might like to find.
It would be interesting if there was some sense of "localized reputation" -- I understand that SN has a global status / reputation score (forget what it's called) but if there was also a local one (e.g., per user), it would be helpful in some cases. For instance, I tend to like things that the majority of readers probably don't (e.g., contrary / critical takes about some btc sacred cows), so submissions that might be just my jam would never be seen.
Solving this well would be a research problem. It would also introduce tradeoffs that they might not want to make.
Interesting. Whilst I agree we don’t want to incentivise garbage I worry people are just posting for the sake of it.
I’m looking forward to seeing where this is headed and am optimistic.
Our reputation system already computes localized reputation. We all just use the reputation scores local to me.
I've been doing some less glamorous work over the last week, but this is the next major feature I'll be developing.
Hey hey hey gang!! It's Sunday funday and it's time to get things going, got my hot cup of Java and it's all good!! Ready to start the day and see what the tide brings, it's going to be an incredible day if it's a tough one then it will be a learning experience, try to make the best of it, we've got this!! Let me tell you that you're awesome and thank you for being!! Be well and stay frosty my friend. Let's do this!!!!!
Laser eyes snail!
Day 92 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.