Clearly you have a reading comprehension problem if that's what you extract from that statement. I made no assertion to the effect of "If we believe hard enough, we'll all be rich", I didn't mention wealth generation at all. I simply stated "if" bitcoin has risen to that level of adoption and importance to the world problems will be solved as they arise. I also said "it is interesting to consider" which you interpreted as "we don't need to consider these questions".
If you want to spend an inordinate amount of time pondering the potential flaws of hyperbitcoinization 50-100 and so on years from now. Feel free. I would prefer to focus on supporting the bitcoin ecosystem and helping educate non bitcoiners.
In future, I am happy to clarify what I meant or debate something I said without the implication I am just a gambler or having intentionality of my words assigned to them by you.