I just set a friend up with Phoenix wallet yesterday. They were using Strike to DCA/custody, so I at least moved them off of a CEX.
It’s not full cold storage yet, but it’s better than nothing.
What apps do you like to use to get normies started? Is there a reason you prefer X over Y?
Level 0 - Blink Level 1 - Self-custodial wallet of their choice (Phoenix, Breez, Mutiny, OBW, Blixt...) Level 2 - Hardware wallet (not you Ledger) Level 2.5 - Passphrases/Multising/Shamir
And also not you Trezor.
just dont mix with it, otherwise its fine
  • Wallet of Satoshi is amazing because of the default lightning address.
  • Phoenix wallet.
  • Samourai wallet for a Bitcoin wallet. This can encourage users to use paynums.
Still WoS. If I find it easy to use a 7 year old could be onboarded by a second!
Phoenix on mobile because non-custodial easy lightning app and they are innovating in the right direction (they are about to release splicing). I haven't tried mutiny yet but seems promising.
Sparrow on desktop supports everything you will ever need. Soft wallets to start with and hw wallets when you get one. Advanced features such as mixing and UXTO control, etc.
Sparrow is my favorite on desktop -- as clean and simple as I can imagine something to be that is also so full-featured. Really thoughtful and methodical development, too.
have been getting interested in sparrow..will try it out soon
Phoenix is my go to option number 1.
The other best way is using https://lightsats.com @lightsats it's has an on boarding part, so you just send some sats and the normies will have to learn about Bitcoin and lightning in order to withdraw the funds.
I like pheonix but breez too. If you have someone who you think is going to use lightning at least once a month breez can be a good option too