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This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Everyone said M1 silicon and docker play nice but have tried to run chrome in a container?! HAVE YOU?!
History in things. Wholesome stash of Weimar notes vs ColdCard.
Looking forward to the weekend and orange pilling some extended family! Cookout and outdoor concert time!
Awesome. Fun times, happy orange pilling.
Hello everyone, the beginning of the weekend is finally here, what a week and what a nice surprise from Ripple, make sure you take profit and keep hodling, it's a beautiful morning and it's also payday for some of us, summer vacation start today too for me, so no more exams, plannings it's just relax time, for some, for me it will be to start the summer job this Sunday and keep saving those BTC. Daddy needs a new pair of shoes, I wish you a phenomenal day as well, may you feel loved and appreciated because you deserve it, always, don't forget that you are important and you matter. Be well and stay frosty everyone and have a glorious weekend.
Stay frosty!
You as well my friend, enjoy the weekend to the fullest, I wish you lots of success!!! You've got this!!
Do you think that jews hate hitler more than hitler hate the jews? i mean hitler was a hard working man, he managed to seemingly unite a whole country, he hadnt been exposed to the ideas of bitcoin and freedom proper so ended up leading them down the wrong path. but still, a man with a power like that, is probably not liked. and probably something the powers that be will do what they can to make look bad. because if it wasnt for the holocaust how would hitler been seen? he started a war? everyone does that. the big difference was the holocaust. and frankly when i read about it, it sounds far out. Its funny because people naturally congregate with like minded people and race. You often see white people marry white people, black people marry black people, asian people marry asian people so on so forth. people are naturally racist in that regard. they also tend to move in to neighbourhoods that are predominantly their own race, and use schools that are predominantly their own race. Hitler took this to the extreme it seemed. But now we are living in the opposite extreme. Where no culture is better than the other, seemingly not having a black friend means you are racist, so on so forth. I dont know where im going with this. See you later.
Last night I was at this charity function where the entertainment was a solo guitar player with a loop box for rhythm and accompaniment. He had a white card propped up next to his cash tip jar. It had venmo and paypal bar codes. I never got the chance to orange pill him, since we left before he took a break. It did bring home to me how normal paying tips with a bar code has become. Maybe this bodes well for lightning adoption.
Volunteering at a homeless shelter this morning. I always struggle meeting the guys (mostly men I see) and speaking about their lives and how they survive from day-to-day i don’t see how Bitcoin helps them. It wouldn’t matter if the little money they had was in bitcoin, pesos, lira or shells… what they have is spent on essentials.
This has the potential to be made worse where the small welfare and benefit they get from the state would likely be provided by benevolence and charity in a bitcoin world. How we provide for and protect the less able members of our society is a discussion we need to have sooner rather than later.
Agree but hopefully in a bitcoin world there are less people struggling in this way.
I think about this a lot, too. Where I get stuck is on the idea of consequences. Most of life depends deeply on consequences. Like, at any given point there is nothing keeping you from driving like a maniac except the very real consequences of it -- death, being maimed, killing or maiming others. Society fully depends on the assumption that you will internalize these consequences and be deterred by them and that we can reason about the system that results. On occasion those assumptions are violated and then great harm can be done, e.g., World Trade Center, Charlie Hebdo, Columbine, etc.
I would think that having your life fall apart would be sufficient motivation, at every level, to get your shit in order and to learn to play by the rules of society, because if you didn't, it was bleak. And yet, here and now, in this society, the thought of that happening does not sufficiently deter. Part of that is that the consequences have been drastically changed - there are so many layers of fucking up before you wind up in a homeless encampment!
But it's also true, perhaps, that society is harder to fit into for various reasons. It's certainly true that you can fall off easier than people think -- for a lot of people, their financial situation is precarious, and if they fall off the merry-go-round, it's hard to get back on. Or maybe: if you don't get back on right away, it gets harder and harder and harder.
I came to rest on two conclusions:
  1. When society is working relatively well, people do pretty well. People inherently do want to contribute, be of service, succeed, thrive. People are so incredibly creative and industrious if they haven't been fucked up somehow! The evidence for this is overwhelming. If 10x more people are not doing well, something has gone wrong socially.
  2. No matter what standard you set, and what you put in place to keep people on the right side of the line, some people will fail. Whatever game you set up, some people will lose at it. And then what is your plan? If you structure society to attempt to prevent every bad outcome, I think you wind up engineering an autocratic hellscape.
Not very helpful, I know. But an important question. Thanks for bringing it up.
Thank you for your thoughts. There are some people who, for whatever reason, do not have the insurance; financial, family, health etc who find themselves needing emergency help. The problem seems to be moving people from emergency help to supporting people to move on to better opportunities.
When life falls apart (and that comes in at different levels to different people) some people are incapable of processing and formulating a route out and may look to end their lives in preference. That starts the spiral of despair and descending the layers of f**cking up.
Personal responsibility is fundamentally important but so is the helping hand for those who need it.
homeless people need a wake up call imo. i had this idea of infiltrating a homeless encampent, i mean an agent would infiltrate it, and then one night the cops will arrest him, and throw him in the ocean. he will make it back and tell his story.
then after a while, if the homeless dont care, then the police will actually come and round up as many as they can and throw them in the ocean, even ones that seem really frail. but in the shallow part. and then keep doing this over and over. The worst thing that can happen is they get a regular bath in a sense? Best thing that can happen is their brain sort of opens up and their lives will begin to change. Why not try it.
It could even become a tourist attraction. California has many homeless i think. Who wouldnt want to come and see the monthly or bimonthly "throwing the homeless in the ocean" event? Maybe people will even bring money and food for them after, maybe people who can offer jobs will show up. It sounds beautiful if you ask me. Im down for this.
So it requires people to be publicly shamed and brought to their lowest ebb literally by being thrown in the sea so that ‘their brain sort of opens up and their lives will begin to change’ and that ‘Maybe people will even bring money and food… people who can offer jobs will show up.’
People are already at their lowest - they have no security and no home. Some people already bring money and food. Sometimes they are able to offer jobs and training opportunities. Seems like everything is happening the way you hope just without the being thrown in the ocean for amusement.
Doesn’t answer my original points.
That's an issue that preceded bitcoin. The argument that a welfare state will take care of the poor better than a free market economy. It's really complicated. Here in the U.S. I think it's fair to say that social security has helped retirees, but they paid into the system. If you look at the massive social welfare systems of the (not so) Great Society under Lyndon Johnson, it can be argued that those programs increased poverty generationally. I personally have a strong commitment to charity, and I don't want to see the basic lifelines abruptly cut off. The human misery would be horrible. But, looking at the big picture, these programs may do more harm than good.
On a personal note, good for you for helping out. My family is involved with many charities including Meals on Wheels and a local food bank.
Thank you. Some valid points raised. Whilst much of the welfare support available is well intentioned it has become so bloated and misappropriated that it doesn’t actually reach those who really need it. For me it should be inextremis and as a springboard to something better. For many it’s just a daily handout.
My fear with transitioning to a bitcoin backed world would be the collapse of welfare into a Dickensian style society of rich vs poor where the only way to survive is a trip to the orphanage or the workhouse / poor house. Or perhaps a feudal system of citadel lords and serfs.
Thank you to anyone who gives their time or money to help. My motivation for helping comes from meeting so many military veterans ending up on the streets - they particularly deserve better.
Day 90 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Racing snail….
Hi, I'm trying to find a way to post my mixed DJ sets via podcasts in the form of V4V. Any tips on free hosting solutions?
@joemartinmusic released his album on Fountain.
"free hosting"?? nothing is free! someone has to pay. that written, I don't have a specific recommendation but i'll look into it.
yes, I misspoke. maybe not free, but easiest. I found something here >>>https://podcastindex.org/apps , I'm also going to study. If you have any specific tips - here with them!