Okay. But let's discuss thought experiment. Imagine somebody invented a way to capture carbon from CO2 and produce fuel either gaseous or liquid. And this way provably becomes way cheaper than digging deep holes in Earth. Suddenly, since the fuel is expansive and costs are low it becomes very lucrative business and literally everybody is busy converting C from CO2 and producing O2 and O3 as a result.
Suddenly politicians start saying about that our babies grow too much because there is too much O2 in the atmosphere, not to say anything about ozone O3 which is toxic, and they propose acts against new way of producing fuel from CO2. People who produce O2 got fined and taxed, there's is stare of Emergency and everybody talks about destroying Amazon forests because they add into O2 production and we would need fuel instead.
How do you like this scenario?
We actually just have to stop thinking we can do anything to control the weather like ancient Mayans. Some of these climate fascists are 1 step away from sacrificing babies… they already advocate for reducing the population.
Well this is another good example. At some point they were also thinking that they control climate.
They are backward anti-human freaks and should be treated as such. I don’t have patience for it anymore