Fuck you very much for your shit take. Jeff's the man and his book was much better than yours (what's that called again?). 😂 🤙
Are you really gonna argue with his main thesis that technology is inherently deflationary and that we as a society should stop trying to prop up prices via the money printer?? I'll grant you that some of his talking points aren't fully flushed out, like what policies countries should adopt in order to avoid a complete collapse of their institutions and the ensuing chaos. He should definitely spend more time building and less time on the 'thinkboi celebrity circuit' and stop propping up tradfi & shitcoin ponzis to the extent that he does, but his book crystalized reasons why deflation isn't the devil that keyensians have always made it out to be. That was my main take away. If you can refute that or provide a better argument in support of that thesis, I'll take back everything I just said.
Challenge accepted.
I did not take the time to write an entire book full of prose, but I provided a far more robust and succinct explanation in this newsletter post: https://heaviside.substack.com/p/bitcoin-is-the-energy-minimal-system
I might write a book at some point.
There is a post on StackerNews now be some fiat cuck confused about how the world works on a fixed/deflationary money. I imagine if someone combined the precision, correctness, and brevity of my post with the ease of reading that Booth supposedly provides, it might prevent things like that.