TBC: Welcome to The Bitcoin Chronicles, where we bring you a new type of interview format, designed to cut through the noise and get straight to the heart of the matter. Our interviews are short and impactful, lasting only one to two minutes, as we understand that VIPs in the Bitcoin industry have limited time for a lesser-known platform like ours. Today, we have the dubious honor of being invited to Coinbase headquarters in San Francisco to sit down with Brian Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase, for what promises to be a surprising encounter. Thank you for reluctantly allowing us this opportunity, Brian.
Brian: (Confused) Wait a minute, I thought you guys were from Coinkite. What's with the sudden attack?
TBC: (Smirking) Oh, Brian, you're in for a surprise. We're not from Coinkite, and we're certainly not here for a friendly chat. Coinbase, once a revered name in the industry, has lost its way and strayed far from its original mission. Instead of fostering innovation, your platform has become a dumping ground for worthless tokens. How does it feel to lead a company that has betrayed its founding principles?
Brian: I... I don't understand. (Brian glances at Laura) This is not what I signed up for. Who let you in here?
TBC: It seems there's been a mix-up, Brian. We managed to slip through the cracks and expose the truth. Coinbase's shift towards promoting questionable projects has not gone unnoticed. How do you justify peddling worthless tokens to unsuspecting users and tarnishing the industry's reputation?
Brian: (Growing frustrated) This interview is over. Laura, get them the hell out of here! Who the hell spoke with these guys? This is ridiculous!

Laura: (Entering the room) I'm sorry, Brian. I don't know how this happened. I'll take care of it immediately. Both of you need to leave.

The truth may be uncomfortable, but it won't disappear, Brian. The Bitcoin community deserves transparency and accountability, and we won't be silenced. We'll be watching, even if you try to shut us out. Who should we interview next?
What did you expect? The CEO of a $25B public company doesn't need to justify a business decision to anyone who isn't a shareholder. The market will respond if/when there is no longer demand for shitcoins. Until then, CEOs will continue to bring value to shareholders by increasing the value of their future cash flows.
Coinkite is doing the same thing except its a private company! Their target customer is also different than Coinbase. If Coinkite added shitcoins, they would likely lose more customers than they create. They're also just trying to bring value to shareholders and they do it by specializing in BTC only and virtue signaling.
If all the top 10 exchanges delisted shitcoins, it wouldn't decrease the demand that much. A new crop of exchanges would just replace them.
Also, impersonating Coinkite without their consent is a douche move and coinkite could have grounds to sue you for impersonation, defamation, and damages to reputation.
There are rules to journalism and perhaps you should learn them before you get into serious trouble.
Did you record audio??
Yes, but we don't want to be sued by Shitcoin Brian