Could not have said it any better myself. The only problem is that one needs to truly see it in order to go down the rabbit hole. Most people only come as far as recognising that it exist, but do not think broader or deeper about what it actually is. It’s sad since it would benefit them to actually understand and the best way to understand bitcoin is to make your own story for it. Sooner or later they will have to come, but I’d wish people were more open minded towards specially when it comes to bitcoin. A more democratic and decentralised world does not threaten anybodies identity, but rather enhances one as an individual.
Goes back to the saying you can take a horse to water but can't make them drink it. Also another quote," People don't drink the sand because they're thirsty they drink the sand because they don't know the difference". It's like Cypher from the Matrix he gets out of the system and is scared wants the comfort the jolly Matrix is giving to him knowing the steak he's eating isn't really steak....and rather be in the security of the Matrix where as long as he obeys can live a regular life just like everyone else. (sorry I love movies especially 80's 90's) The way your speaking yes every Bitcoiner has a story a season if you will some just haven't arrived yet. Max Keiser speaks on this and says peoples faces are going to have to melt off for them to realize true value...I love the metaphor...inflation and devaluation of the dollar is not going to happen over night but they compare it to frogs in hot water, they don't realize till its too late.