Project Blue Beam I believe they call it
Thanks for cross-posting. This is an area (because it rubs shoulders with religion hard) where there's divide in the Bitcoin tribe.
Read ancient literature and you'll find commonalities between the way people then spoke about "the gods" and the way they speak now about "aliens." I think at this point — and especially given recent 2020-related events — it would be trivially easy to reboot ancient religion centered on "extra-terrestrials," which, interestingly, is a term broad enough to cover both the old and new version.
If that happened, it would cause me truly unprecedented levels of painful cringe. I hope people would never believe such an obvious thing, but then I think back to the 😷 incident...
Agreed, it's a sensitive and divisive topic, even though it shouldn't be.
Yeah, the people will believe all sorts of things, cringe or otherwise.
The problem I see with traditionalists is that they don't provide an answer for people who are born in families that are, to put it mildly, less than stellar. Of course, replacing the family with the state is not a solution. But bad families are the reason why the state proliferates.
I don't know if there a cohesive group of traditionalists, per se, but in my mind a possible answer would be to accept the past, heal as best we can, and focus on creating healthy families for our present and future.