I had to look up Quantum Alice that you mentioned.
When you mention anti-fragility, is that related to Quantum Physics as well as Bitcoin? It's always good to hear a new term that describes the Bitcoin paradox of being stronger through going through trials and tribulations.
You've got me hearing that singer's vibrato voice singing 'feed your mind' in my head now BTW.
Haha, you mean Jefferson Airplane. And this scarred me for life:
yeah, antifragility is a powerful concept, a distinguishing feature between decentralised, and living, versus dead and centralised thdings. Shame the dude who made it popular stopped being a philosopher and started being a puppet.
Incredible that a dude so deep in probability could pretend to not notice the many game theory features of the bitcoin architecture depend on antifragility... No leaders, a slow but mostly effective process of refining and extending it that so far has avoided outright collapse.
How does a person who lived on his good reputation so long not see a problem with them selling out to parrot someone else's talking points? How does he sleep at night? Wasn't debunking bullshit his business before he started talking about surgical masks and their factual inability to stop viruses, and oh how strange, also turned from bitcoin neutral to slinging more adhoms at bitcoin than any self-respecting philosopher would abide.
The way that some have "turned" into shills, of a sort, trolls in this case, after previously having credibility only adds more fuel to the bitcoin is the future fire.