Hello, I’m new here!
I’m planning on investing a portion of my money into Bitcoin. I’d like this to be a long term investment and want to do it “the right way” first. I’ve asked this in a Bitcoin chat and this is my current refined list:
Purchase a Cold Card.
Host a personal Bitcoin node (Umbrel?)
Buy Bitcoin with Bisq on TAILS via a Postal Mail Order.
Do a Coinjoin on the purchased Bitcoin (considering an XMR tumbler instead?)
Verify everything works by re-using seed and adding a small amount of BTC to the wallet.
Use a metal seed plate and backup the Cold Card seed. (Using a 25th word for seed).
Have a view-only wallet on any internet connected devices, using Tor to connect to the node. (Bluewallet, Electrum.)
Stretch goal: Host my own Lightning Node. (Umbrel?) Not sure I’ll have the liquidity…
Anything I’m doing terribly wrong? Thanks for any help!
I'd like as many settings to manage replies as possible. I want to enable/disable the notifications for replies to replies. But if that's too niche of a usecase that nobody except me wants I won't be mad if it does not happen 😂
a setting that makes you only get notified when you have replies and /notifications only ever shows replies
Like how Twitter has it. Or Android.
Would you like to be notified for:
Event A
Event B
So in Settings, under a Notifications section, a slider to choose for each:
When I have been mentioned
When a post of mine receives a reply
When a reply to my post receives a reply
When a reply of mine receives a reply
When a post of mine has been upvoted / tipped | Threshold amount: ___ (default 1 sat)
When a reply of mine has been upvoted / tipped | Threshold amount: ___ (default 1 sat)
When my Lightning Address has received a payment
When an LN invoice (fund / deposit) has been paid
When I have stacked from daily earn / yield
If that is too granular, the [When * receives a reply] could be a single setting, and [When * of mine has been upvoted / tipped] could also be a single setting. I suppose for wallet, [a payment to my wallet has occurred] and that cover all three as well. I don't mine granular, myself. 99% of people I bet would leave the default values (enabled). But those annoyed have granular control.
The main issue I have with this is it's only usable on desktop. The little square is tiny. We should probably just break out notifications into their own icon.
Changing the look of the notification depending on the sats stacked is interesting. It seems like people want to be able to distinguish, at a glance, sat stacking notifications from replies.
Add an 'inbox' specific to replies on a thread post or response
Keep the sat-stacking notification.
Separating these two will let me know if/when someone replies to my post so that I can immediately engage with them. Otherwise I just assume any notification (based on the current layout) is a sat-stack notification
I enjoy when someone replies to my commentary or shares it with their friends/followers (i.e retweet). "Likes" are a small endorphine kick, but not as strong as a reply/retweet.
I dislike it when Twitter's notification system notifies me of a trending article; the content is generally irrelevant to me and is a major let-down (since I am expecting the notification to be someone replying/retweeting to my message).
9 times out of 10, Twitters notification is due to someone replying/retweeting my post (which is good)
9 times out of 10, Stacker News notification is about a daily stacked sat (which isnt bad, but not as good as a SN comment/reply).
When I see SN notifications, I automatically dismiss them as part of a daily-stack and am less enthusiastic about checking my notifications. Whereas with Twitter, the notification is more rare & surprising (which leads to an unexpected but welcomed endorphine kick)
For me, maybe add the notification badge only when there are replies, and split notifications page into a big column with replies and a small column with recent votes. I realize though I'm being pretty picky and unconstructive, I think it's a result of high/infrequent engagement on HN with no notifications, low/frequent engagement on twitter with lots of notifications. Both are fine, but SN is giving me high/infrequent with chatty notifications. IOW if I post here, I'll be refreshing the page to check it, while twitter is far more passive.
rip it, coffee, down the rabbit hole cheers stackers! I also think tater tots taste better on cold days when they are fresh :) and pizza can be cold or hot cold in morning hot for dinner I don't make the rules!
There’s quite a nice burger chain in Pittsburgh called Burgatory. They let you design your own burger and even have bision, elk or impossible. I love going while visiting friends.
Neapolitan pizza for me, specifically. Bit more sauce and a bit less cheese. Sauce is less sweet than your typical New York style pizza, as well. Much more savory. Damn, now I want some.
nice cant beat a good ribeye :) Mine would have to be a decent full english breakfast with all the good stuff bacon, black pudding, hash browns etc .. unhealthy of course but tasty indeed. 🤤
It is made from pork or beef blood, with pork fat or beef suet sounds and looks disgusting but brits find it delicious its a regular on a full english in the UK
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