This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
So I finally decided to take the plunge and set up a wallet on getAlby so I can link my wallet in Damus using Nostr Wallet Connect (NWC) got everything set up and got my zap on.
Tried to set up zapple pay but I guess the site is down.
A few hours later umbrel releases a NWC app to connect to your own LND wallet.
So I drop geyAlby link my Damus to my wallet via NWC and it feels like magic! No more using Zeus to zap!!
Anyone looking to do this you have to create a wallet at and then go to to set up your NWC. The get alby website doesn’t make this clear.
its getting to a point where selling bitcoin = freedom because u dont have to stress about the investment
Anyone else have issues ordering from Coinkite recently? I placed an order back in mid-June, and the order still has not shipped.
Perhaps there's an influx of new customers due to the Ledger Recover fiasco a month or so ago, and they're still chasing the backlog?
Today...trying to redo the Satoshi Bitcoin Converter to a v5, but struggling. Darn thing won't load the price feed, argh!
Good morning, hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday, I just finished my hot cup of Java and waiting on the parents to do some interviews. It's a good day gang and I wish you an exceptional one as well, remember that you matter and you're important, be well and stay frosty.
Um orange pilling myself as usual!
Have to save yourself before you can save others my friend.
let's dig into tuesday! here's hoping sea sickness doesn't afflict me too bad today as I work on on a boat docked at the New River, which means I feel every time a boat passes by. Friday I managed until 12:30. Yesterday we didn't have to spend much time out there, luckily but today will be no such luck.
Day 87 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Just found this site. Freedom maximalist looking for ways out of the system and found myself recently diving into BTC, NOSTR and everything it involves. Riding the early adopter wave and doing my best to learn as much as I can.
Awesome. Welcome to the team.
Welcome. We're on the same journey, it seems.
Welcome. Lots of newcomers today it seems.
Today I’ve joined Stacker News and made my first post. Hi!
Awesome. Welcome to the team.
Welcome! Have you created a bio post yet? That's where you can tell us a little bit about yourself. Of course you can do that here too.
Rant mode activate. BS coin shills winding me up… no I don’t want to hear about how it’s better than Bitcoin. The snail will cheer me up though…