I like that wording, keep saying it, that's the first i've heard it put that way.
Bukele is also a businessman, he started in business and from a business family and everything he's done has been to increase ES economic position, which must arise from a safe environment.
He will eventually retire i believe and hopefully leave good institutions and culture for the next person.
The only danger is some dumbass military general he depends on for these operations getting a CIA pay day and ES is fucked again. This has happened before in other countries. I hope it does not. That's why it's so important for citizens to start using and learning bitcoin, it would exclude a potential dumbass general from actually doing anything if he tried. Shut down Chivo ? It's ok we have tons of other wallets. Shut down the internet ? we have tor and backups .
Bukele gave the people a rare chance. It's up to them to be smart enough take it.
Hard agree. Funneling BTC education into El Salvador is paramount.
I think a lot of us do recognize that as well — see Saif taking job in ES, etc.