Greetings from Latin America. This is patently a niche North American Internet culture take on Bitcoin life. It's indicative of how North Americans can't seem to cozy up to moderation. Everything is extreme, for better or worse. Fiat has created a continent of consumption and marketing: cultural whiplash that's accelerated by the Internet and grifts. People constantly trying to create brands. You're 100% spot-on, but the "nicheness" of it all can't be understated. It's important to bear in mind that these are the Bitcoiners who feel it necessary to be in front of the camera non-stop while the vast, vast majority of HODLers simply stack sats and quietly go about their lives.
The vast majority of the rest of the world watches this with fascination as they waffle and search for identity. Luckily Bitcoin is not a personality and quite literally is for everyone. As adoption increases, I imagine these niche North American extremes will fall by the wayside in visibility, especially the gun fanatic part.