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If you are interested in facts about the CIA I highly recommend reading "Legacy of Ashes". All on the record interviews about the history of the CIA. The things that are officially on the record will curl your hair. I really think the whole "conspiracy theory" meme is to distract from the facts that sound like conspiracy theories. The CIA and other intelligence agencies do in fact influence news. I don't know who and how currently but this is no secret. Other nations do the same. Israel, China, the Saudis, and many others I'm sure. The average US citizen is as ignorant as a child about how these nation state actors work.
Thanks for the recommendation
This book really turned my interest away from what at I thought at the time were crazy "conspiracy theories" towards learning more about history and the documentation of what the state and its actors have actually done that is documented. You don't need to go into the hypothetical speculative world to understand how evil, corruption, and unredeemability of the state.
A conspiracy theory is just “a thought” at the end of the day - why are they trying to outlaw “thoughts” ? Think about it …
I agree with you. The quotes around it were meant to indicate things like aliens and more outlandish thoughts. Or at least theories with less proof. There has been a war on "conspiracy theories" for years and you are right it is a war on thought. My point was that you don't need to speculate on how evil the state is by coming up with theories at all. They really don't hide it their evil very well. If you look you will see it. It is undeniable. The thing is, humans like a good story and I see many folks get distracted by stuff that isn't supported by strong evidence while we have so many things that are almost undeniable. And yet the majority of people don't see it. One of the most effective tactics is distraction.
I am in agreement - I’m pretty sure the CIA or FBI actually coined the phrase “conspiracy theory” - I don’t have the documentation to prove it but I believe it
If they didn't they for sure have promoted it. There's a documentary, I can't recall the name of it where a former FBI guy admits to feeding a UFO enthusiast false leaks for years. The UFO guy eventually ended up in a mental institution. People that don't believe that there are forces in government manipulating the news, social media, and direct individuals really need to open their eyes. Being aware that this stuff happens is key.
In Legacy of Ashes false news reports are documented in South American countries where the CIA wanted to affect elections. False and probably true stories were placed in newspapers to take down leaders in elections. This is why when the Russia gate thing happened I just rolled my eyes about it.
When rumors leak to the press in the US do you think these are all true rumors? Of course not. I would bet the largest source of leaks are the administrations themselves. If you believe what they say on the TV/Social you are a fool in my book. Or you're at least being played like a fool. We are constantly manipulated by many actors. This whole thing about fake news is funny. Its almost like we are supposed to believe this is a new thing. It isn't. Always been the case.