1. I like the overall feel of the site; very much like drudgereport - simple, clean.
  2. These tired eyes of mine find the smaller font used for the links difficult to read - suggest using a fixed width font or one with a thinner stroke.
  3. Great range of subject matter.
I am actively looking for the "best" font.
If anyone has one by name the would suggest, I am all ears.
Take a look at either Roboto or Open Sans. Here's a couple of links that may help (you may already know of them...): https://fonts.google.com/ https://xd.adobe.com/ideas/principles/web-design/best-modern-fonts-for-websites/
Changed it to Roboto. I think it it easier to read now. What do you think?
Thank you!
Much easier for me to read! I think you've got a great idea going here.