Cool idea, nice work getting the site out into the wild.
I haven't played around with it enough for detailed feedback, but I've listed a few 'first glance' thoughts below...
  1. I don't know where to look
All text except the title is the exact same font size, and mostly all the same color too. Some of the text is above the title (which is an unfamiliar format to me), and the rest of it is listed in three distinct columns. Does each column represent a certain type of content? Is the left column the most important content? The middle column? Is the top stuff more important than the bottom stuff? Is it sorted by time?
  1. The photos don't give me much info
There are 6 photos on the site, and I don't feel like any of them provide me with additional information about the topic at hand. I wonder if original charts could help to convey the subject/topic better than the stock-style photos on the site now. Not sure if that's actually a good idea, just thinking out loud.
  1. Simplicity vs. features
I really like the simplicity of the site. I also like the idea of being able to filter for specific Bitcoin topics or certain news sites. Is there a way to structure the main page or add important features without compromising the simplicity of the site?
  1. Your advantage
What is the specific advantage you have over other news aggregators? Are you the fastest to update your news page? Do you have the largest collection of headlines? Is your content structured in a unique way? Clearly communicating your advantage up front (on Twitter and/or on the site) will help attract and retain users from your target audience.
Excited to follow along with the growth & evolution of the site!
Thanks @kr
I would ask you to check out It is what I modeled this site after. The format is plain on purpose. I actually use several news websites that follow this format.
Can you add any further input after comparing to The Drudge Report?
Thanks so much!
I guess my only other feedback would be to think critically about whether each decision you model after other sites is actually a decision that led to success, or whether those sites would have been successful without those decisions.
The Drudge Report has a simple site, a 27 year history, and Matt Drudge.
Was it the simple site format, the headstart on other news sites, or the founder that made it a success?
Maybe it was one thing, maybe it was a combination, maybe it was another unrelated factor. I don't know which it is, but it's worth it to think critically about what actually led to the site's success.