  1. I heard from someone else he stated money would not be needed in the future due to abundance, indicating a deep failure to understand money
  2. His book spouts lots of gibberish about tech he does not understand. Chat GPT could write a better indefinite optimism book. Ironically, and probably related to point 1, he fails to grasp his own thesis, and the title of the book is its high water mark.
  3. He literally refers to himself as a "visionary" on his VC firm called ego death. Now, as a regular guy, he has done well for himself in business and his business success would be laudable -- however, throw in the word visionary to describe a middling construction materials biz, and I will smack the shit out of you.
  4. He is so busy on his thinkboi celebrity circuit, he doesn't actually run his own VC firm, and has a hot sauce lifestyle business owner in NYC calling the shots -- it is basically a humiliation ritual inflicted upon great founders (and I do not use that term lightly). Adding to that, I know a bit about some of their portfolio companies and am privy to the decks they used to raise. Anyone curious can DM me about that.