The way you phrased this I find highly disingenuous. It is the same sort of language that shitcoiners use (I don't think you are a shitcoiner.)
The phrase "supposed to" is where it becomes deeply flawed. The overwhelming majority of bitcoiners who mention any sort of thing on your list would be rather unlikely to use that phrase (though I'm sure you could cherrypick example tweets).
Bitcoiners typically value personal responsibility. I may say XYZ action leads to a life that will be shorter, or devoid of meaning, but it is an absurd accusation to claim I am saying you are "supposed to" do one thing or another. Let's be honest, I don't care if you get hit by a bus tomorrow and you don't care if I get hit by a bus tomorrow, which is perfectly natural for strangers. So I CERTAINLY don't care if YOU get a bad sunburn, and cancer 5 years earlier after a life of guzzling seed oils, though I will frequently bring up seed oils (and I was talking about them before "it was cool among bitcoiners" [I have the "receipts"].)