F*ck the following teams
  • Pittsburg Steelers! - hate that damn towel and just the arrogance of their fans glad they will be shitty for the next few years at least
  • New Jersey Devils- stupid ass boring defensive hockey from the Brodeur days YAWN
  • Kansas City Chiefs - they beat my Bills regularly in the playoffs and it’s pretty annoying
  • New England Patriots 20 years of losing to the pats really boils one’s blood
  • Atlanta Hawks Trae young is a pip-squeak
  • Boston Bruins year in and year out they are good! I hate them with a passion! Glad they lost in the first round this year πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Almost missed this reply. Glad I didn't. Great stuff.