The article that this post links to says:
This requires just over 600 Gigabytes of space so to be safe, you should have at least 700 to 1TB of disk space to install. The Bitcoin Core initial synchronization will take time and download a lot of data.
But that 7 GB part right below is from the website.
I looked at the github source for the site and it gets that from a configuration setting: {{site.text.bitcoin_datadir_gb_pruned}}
So that is assuming that is in pruned mode. I don't know if 7 GB is still accurate, I suspect it is a bit low now.
But that is misleading, as most aren't looking to run a pruned node.
I've opened an issue on repo, Issue #3868 requesting that pruned mode be clarified there. I've also opened Issue #3867 requesting that the values in _config.yaml are updated.