What do you think is the maximum amount to receive cash through interac and still not get caught? Any strategies?
I think interac e-transfer has a $3000CAD per transfer per day limit. Of course, if you keep having 3k etransfers going into your account everyday, that might raise an eyebrow. There is no minimum or maximum amount of etransfer that you receive that will get you “caught”, or for a more realistic term, get you “noticed” by the bank. How to get noticed is all very nuanced. It’s really up to the bank, or more probably, the bank’s monitoring algorithms to flag you or not. It might be due to receiving large amounts over a short period of time. It might be due to receiving a single small amount etransfer from a suspicious account. Or any other reasons that you can think of or that you don’t know about. Just keep in mind that everything that goes through the fiat banking system is recorded and can be traced back to you in real life. That is the risk you take when receiving etransfer from strangers online.
My assumption is that you don’t want CRA to find out or tax your bitcoin “capital gains”. If you ever get audited, CRA usually checks for records and books from the past 6 years, but if they suspect fraud, they can go as far back as they want.
If you want to convert bitcoin to fiat kyc free, tax free, it might be easier to go the gift card or prepaid Visa card route. But it’s easier to run into scams doing p2p gift cards, so personally, I would stick to companies like bullbitcoin or bitrefill for those.
So, always think adversarially and make decisions based on your risk tolerance. The last thing you want is to get noticed by the banks and have them report you to the CRA.
Thank you, this is what I was looking for :)
Get the buyer to add text & make it a round amount. Make it look normal
$200 shoes $500 cabinet
That's what I would do if I needed to sell bitcoin
good idea, thanks!
e transfers can be clawed back/charge backed within 90 days by the sender. be careful and use a secondary bank account to receive e-transfers.
good idea, thanks!
Just go with the flow.
Look through their polices and terms of service and figure it out yourself. If you're trying to evade any anti-fraud though you are not going to find any advice anywhere.
privacy is not a fraud, thanks for the guidance :)
So are you looking for "Privacy" or to "Not get caught" because you did not originally specify privacy as a concern. You said you didn't want to get caught. In any case if you are attempting to provide false identification...that is fraud. It is possible you cannot use this money service without providing your info.
Any attempt otherwise (which you can read their terms of service to get a better picture of) is fraud. You are literally asking how to use this service in a way that may not be intended. Which is fraud. If you don't know this, you need to stop what you are doing right now and go back to the drawing board.
"Not get caught" selling bitcoins. (just because i don't want to). I think you need to relax a bit dude. Not sure if bitcoin world is the right place for you, robosats for example is only for TOR which is a privacy network.