Hey, thanks for your post! I like your detailed feedback about the withdrawal process.
However, if someone could post the proper (less steam punk) solution to my problem, I'd be very grateful.
Did you try to click on the QR code? And doesn't it show you a LNURL to copy below the QR code? It's a LNURL-withdraw, so you can either
a) click on the QR code and it should open your LN wallet b) copy the LNURL and paste it into your wallet
Let me know if that works for you!
No need for two phones, lol. But definitely a creative solution!
Ohh... you're so right! Clicking on the QR code let me share/open with the OBW wallet.
I guess I mistakenly saw the QR code as a passive thing, to photograph, rather than something to click. Maybe it could have a 3D button type effect around it?
Big thanks for coming to my rescue @ekzyisu

Regarding pasting the code into OBW...
doesn't it show you a LNURL to copy below the QR code?
Well, I got it to work, but it was terribly counterintuitive.
I'd previously gone for clicking on the Receive button (but no dice). However, after trying everything else, I clicked on the one place I imagined would be the wrong place to receive sats, the Send button.
There I pasted the code in the only available feed - it worked.
Hmmm, perhaps I should make a github account, put that as an issue for the OBW devs. I'm kinda reticent to do that as it surely would have been picked up by now.
But I could be right - clicking on the send button to paste what I can only describe as a receive invoice cofe does seem really counterintuitive...
But that's for the OBW devs to worry about, not you.
Thanks for your help @ekzyisu.
All the best, Bitman (the Little Old Lady)