These nonsense articles have been coming out for a while, but guess what, GOVERNMENTS DO NOT DETERMINE WHAT BUSINESSES AND CONSUMERS WANT!
There will not be a gold-backed currency because no one wants one, people want dollars.
Bitcoins do not replace dollars even among the strongest adherents -- don't believe me? Ask 10 bitcoiners who are employed what they are agreeing to trade their future time for and they will tell you: dollars. The world is long dollar futures and short dollar debts.
The dollar is the STANDARD OF VALUE of the world, and bitcoin adoption as a standard is maybe 0.0000001% (in contrast with its adoption as a store of value at 0.1% and perhaps 0.005% medium of exchange).
You want something to compete with the dollar from every single angle at maximum speed? Then you need to understand STANDARD OF VALUE and the mechanisms by which COMPOSITE CURRENCIES can maximally erode away the dollar until it is eventually gone. Then you will see the sliver of a role commodities, which could include gold may take.
Seems I'm still just about the only person talking about this! ...give it 2-3 years and all the "influencers" will be talking about it too.
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