Nothing like some good old fashioned hatred to get the juices flowing. Most despised franchise in each major sport? Here are mine: MLB - Yankees NFL - Cowboys NBA - Pacers (it's a Knicks thing from the 90s) NHL - Maple Leafs ( I think I get more joy watching the Leafs lose a playoff series than I will when bitcoin breaks 100K)
Wow we are symaptico other than Pacers. I don't really have an NBA team I hate but Yankees (Blue Jays fan) and Cowboys (49ers fan) are definitely my most despised franchises in MLB and NFL and as a reformed Leafs fan I absolutely love watching them lose.
I grew up a Leafs fan living in Toronto but I switched to hating them around 12 years ago. I used to go to Leafs games occassionally and the last game I went to I paid around $500 between tickets, parking, food and drink, to sit in the upper bowl and they got absolutely destroyed 5-0. We left early in the third. It was like a shitcoin rug pull and becoming a bitcoin maxi. I never cheered for the Leafs again. Was mostly indifferent for years but now that they are competitive I love to hate on them because some of my close friends are still Leafs fans.
That's a great coincidence! My Leafs hatred goes back a long way , but the whole Tavares thing really lit the fuse.
Damn Siggy you really hold a grudge. That was a year before I was born so I have a ways to go to match you in hate longevity. Haha.
Yeah. It's true. I do hold a grudge. A more recent grudge is Darcy Tucker. 2002 playoffs. You probably have fond memories of that guy, but I still hate him.
Haha that would be heresy in Leafland.