A true PWA is "installable" rather than just something that puts an icon on your homescreen. The PWA will open in its own window and stay open separate from your browser. If it's not a true PWA, the icon will open in a browser tab. When you close the browser, it closes like any other browser tab. Still useful, but a true PWA is therefore much more like a native app store on your phone.
True PWAs differ in that they have a regular html with a little extra code, a "service worker", and a manifest. Good resource template for building is https://simplepwa.com
Benefits of PWA in my view: 1. Less storage taken on phone, 2. No need to rely on app stores, 3. Instant updates
Interesting. Very informative! Thanks for your contribution.
Well, SN's PWA, browser-generated SN PWA and browser all keep open separately. So, I think my Bromite does seems to generate PWAs if that's the case. It's a derivative of Chromium but has 'enhanced privacy'.
This thread has helped a lot. I'll try and utilize PWAs more now.
Thanks for your link - looks good too. I'm going to download it via github and check it out now.
Edit: message: "I couldn't find a suitable release"