I have been deliberating on writing some Bitcoin opinion pieces for a local newspaper in order to help spread understanding of what Bitcoin is and why it is useful to society.
For some context, I live on an Island that is actually pretty progressive with Fintech and digital currencies. I do wish our government were Bitcoin only but I am sure with time things could change.
Unfortunately, because its a political entity behind the progress, bitcoin has been tied into crypto, which has been tied into politics. I would like to be part of changing that outlook,
Ideally would like to make it a series and start from the basics and by the end cover everything on the surface level about Bitcoin and its use case. I dont plan on going too deep into the technical side of BTC as I have limited knowledge in that area. It would focus more on Bitcoin vs Fiat, what makes bitcoin diffferent from crypto, and the implications of having sound money would be for society.
My issue is I am not sure where a good starting point would be if I am writing to an audience who I am assuming would initially dismiss bitoin as a scam or ponzi.
I would love it if I could get some feedback on how to begin. I also plan on releasing a rough draft here to be critiqued.
As an FYI I make no money from this at all. I just want to learn more by teaching and help people understand.