Nothing will change until it becomes normal to buy, or sell things in exchange for Bitcoin.
With this part I can agree.
then you are part of the problem.
With this one, I must disagree. Blaming random people doesn't lead anywhere. If you want adoption and usage you have to create the conditions where using "your" solution is the obvious choice (because it is there and because it is better).
I buy at least one giftcard every day from and pay with lightning sats. Their % back offers are unbeatable, and they rotate the sats back offers frequently, so keep checking back for your favorite place to buy from. Eventually you will see your desired store listed uder "Your Offers" with a significant % sats back deal.
Gonna plug Beef Initiative. Top quality beef shipped to your home and they accept bitcoin. I don't shame people that don't spend bitcoin but there is a huge need for creating circular economies using bitcoin. Two of my loves, beef and bitcoin.
Bah, nonsense. Holding Bitcoin is already doing a lot to propel Bitcoin into global money status by enhancing it's store of value properties. Taking BTC out of circulation is a massive help, and just hodling is nowhere near equivalent to being "part of the problem"
Bitcoin's store of value properties are still being tested and proven. It does not yet have enough global recognition as a store of value to start it's transition into medium of exchange, it's way too young. In another 10 years we may be there, but as it stands, the lightning network was about 15 years early to the party, which is great. It'll be a massive blessing to be fully ready for medium of exchange by the time we get to that point in the monetization journey, and lightning will continue to evolve, paving the way in advance. It'll be like realizing in 10 years that we need to cross a river, and finding a gigantic modern high-capacity bridge just sitting there, ready to be used.
It doesn't make sense to spend Bitcoin right now tho, the opportunity cost is too high.
If you're spending it because you want to make a change in the world, and you're willing to incur a cost to do so, count me out. I'm in this exclusively to extract benefits for myself, and right now it's much more beneficial to hodl than spend, so more people will hodl than spend. You can't get people to act against their own interests, trying to do so is futile and evil.
Remember Gresham's law. Bad money drives out the good. Bad cigarettes were traded in prison and good ones were saved. Coins with less gold and more fillers were spent while pure gold coins were saved.
People will always hold the valuable money and spend the shit one.
This will continue until the shit one becomes so shit that nobody wants it. Then we'll see a transition into medium of exchange.
But don't worry man, and don't hurry. Bitcoin is for the long haul. People who hodl are still contributing to the success of Bitcoin and they're bringing us closer and closer to a Bitcoin only world.
Just speculation but my feeling is that large institutions, private corporates, some or all governments will eventually have no choice but to transact with bitcoin, at least in some scenarios, for security purposes. Especially with the threat of AI, etc. I don’t completely buy the argument that the average guy needs to be spending sats regularly in order for the mission of wide adoption to be accomplished. I feel that would be more of an outcome of adoption rather than a primary driver of it. Just my gut feeling, I could absolutely be wrong.
AirBnb wouldn’t become successful if people didn’t actually spend money on the platform. If people didn’t spend, then the whol Airbnb cottage industry wouldn’t have risen up - armies of cleaners, property managers, platforms like AirDNA, not to mention the macroeconomic impact of the growth in the real estate market. A lot of people who bought houses over the last few years factored in the ability to Airbnb their extra rooms. Whether it was a good investment or not, is beside the point.
The point is that for an ecosystem to grow and develop network effects, people have to transact.
Otherwise, Airbnb would just be a catalog of people’s unused real estate.
I wanted to buy an online piano subscription, but they only have creditcard payments. In Europe I thinnk we don't pay by default with creditcard but with a debit card.
So I asked if I could pay it in Bitcoin and that was possible :-)
I buy stuff once in a while from newegg and pay with lightning. Feels good and weird at the same time since the calculator in my head is always counting beans in fiat. Hard habit to break but I'm trying.
Interested in lightning network development, somewhat of a crypto skeptic but pretty firm believer of Bitcoin being valuable. Highly doubt it gets to one million, and will troll you if you act like a lemming.
tbh, I think your education is more part of the problem
This is true of countries whose fiat is worthless but here in the US where the dollar is still the global reserve and hyperinflation hasn't hit YET I have to disagree with you. You can choose to refuse $ but you cannot force people to spend Bitcoin. Stacking Sats is still king vs spending, spend less than you make...that being said I did spend Sats to buy a book last night, first time buying goods with BTC.
What are your thoughts on Saylor? Microstrategy owns over 100k bitcoin and just hodls. Also what about Satoshi's million plus bitcoin that appear to hodled indefinitely? Is Satoshi part of the problem?