I appreciate your engagement in discussion as well. I think I better understand where you are coming from now than I did in the original post. I don't doubt you are correct about many not reading things for themselves, I mean that is pretty much the status quo for most subjects. I would be careful though to not assume folks that use these catch phrases don't have more depth or value to add. I think what you are describing is very similar to how I lost interest in the tech press / podcasts years ago. It was just the same thing over and over again but when I was new to working in technology it wasn't old to me. I learned a lot but I grew and needed to move on. Maybe you can be one of these folks that takes a look at bitcoin from new and different perspectives and contexts. I am very interested in the perspectives of people coming from non-western nations and how they think about these things. How people in oppressive states have been able to use bitcoin, or what issues they have with it. Gladstein talks about this a lot. As you mentioned I'm interested in the history of money and how it developed. Money is something very few understand. I would say I'm still learning about it myself.
I would not label myself as a maxi but I understand the tactics they use online. I also understand why so many bitcoiners focus on these "old news" topics. We have new bitcoiners coming everyday that don't get why bitcoin was created. They just see $$$$ and wanna piece. They may not dive deep but they likely didn't dive deep into the status quo either.
Just a few more thoughts.
What I want to see more of is people taking action vs. talking about theory and when will bitcoin moon or when will enter famous name here get on board. Learn to use bitcoin. Set up a node. Set up a lightning node. Learn how to use privacy tools. Learn about to teach others because if we are right about bitcoin many are going to need help. Not only that but this knowledge will be valuable for us and those we love.
During the pandemic I realized that I wasn't truly living my vision for the future. Not really I mean. I can't tell you what that means for you, only myself. I for one am tired of the political folks that are all talk and now action. They cry about the state taking their wealth but take zero action to prevent it. They complain about things that they can improve without a revolution or change in leadership. It is easy to complain but a waste of time.
If you believe bitcoin is the way forward use it. Learn as much as you can so when people are ready to learn you can teach them. I bet there are people ready to learn around you already. I know that has been the case for me. I'm not pushy about it. I don't act like a jerk. I just talk and try to answer questions.