There is zero ability to even begin to answer this question (referencing post where someone asked about GDP and decided to just make this a fresh post) since you have a total inability to know whether a bitcoin transaction is part of a purchase for a good/service vs transfer to self, coinjoin, coinswap, UTXO management,etc.
However, there DOES EXIST a very interesting point on the subject of GDP as it relates to Bitcoin that most people overlook, which relates to post-hyperbitcoinization total "market cap".
The line of reasoning Hal pointed to was $200 trillion divided by supply is $10m, and today we have to 2x that baseline number due to inflation. Not a bad first order approximation, but a fundamentally flawed mental model, and one that nocoiners will feel unease about even if they cannot put their finger on it. Here's why: if whales save 99% of their funds, perhaps the entire global economy will be 100k bitcoin per year. If whales after hyperbitcoinization decide they are going into the market in a large way, perhaps saving 80% of their bitcoin, maybe the global economy will be 2 million bitcoin in a year.
Now here's the thing: the physical world's output doesn't change all that much regardless, but in scenario B the "price" (purchasing power) for the consumer is 10x lower than in A.
So take $100 trillion GDP, map that to 1 million bitcoin GDP, and you get a $100m in today's dollars purchasing power per bitcoin. 10m btc GDP is $10m/btc. 200k btc GDP is half a billion per bitcoin.
How hard do you think people will hodl in any given decade following hyperbitcoinization? That tells you your real price estimate!