Alternatively, I could stick with my current job for now. It pays well, which means I can keep stacking sats until the next bull market takes off. Then, I could take a break and focus on finding a Bitcoin job.
I am not sure if a bull market is the right time to find a job in the bitcoin space. Isn't that went most people start to look for jobs in the space? However, that's probably also the time when most bitcoin companies are hiring ...
Maybe others have a better perspective on that. I just know the saying: bear markets are the time to build and bull markets are the time to scale
The only advice I have is how I got a job in the space (at SN): contribute to bitcoin open source projects of companies that you are interested in and they may notice you and offer you a job after some time :)
It is hard to build when in a demanding fiat job and maintaining a family. I could take some time off after the next bull market when realizing some gains. That would allow me to spend more time in Bitcoin, increasing my chances of landing a job at that time.